The above title was on a pamphlet from the Jehovah-Witnesses I found in my mailbox. It attracted my attention since I have written a previous page “Life after Death”. in which I showed how science has now definite medical proof that awareness is a brain function that stops when the brain dies. Here I will try and show their side of the argument based on their interpretation of the bible. I leave it up to you to decide which argument is more likely to be correct. I have no hope that it will enlighten any of their members but if it encourages a person from having second thought before joining this religion I’ll be satisfied.
Firstly they quote from the “New World Translation” of the bible. No reason is given why this particular translation is used, after all there are many translations to which the bible was subjected, who decides there is a correct one? All translations depend on the opinion of the translator(s) and the meaning of words in any language changes all the time. Compare Shakespearian language with today’s. Does anyone have the precise meaning of words or the symbolic meaning of words and phrases in use thousands of years ago?
Going along though, they quote Acts 24:15 “There is going to be a resurrection” as “proof” that the dead really can live again. A great example of how to draw conclusions by taking a phrase out of context. The whole verse in “my” bible reads in Paul’s words; “and I have the same hope in God as these men have, that there is to be a resurrection of the good and the wicked alike” Since when does a “hope” constitute a proof? Now if we accept that as proof they go on stating” What can that mean for you":
· Comfort when loved ones die -2 Corinthians 1:3,4 “Praised be God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all consolation! He comforts us in all our afflictions and thus enables us to comfort those who are in trouble, with the same consolation we have received from him”. In other words you can console or be consoled only by a person who believes in an imaginary deity. A non-believer cannot console anyone!
· Freedom from a morbid fear of death.-Hebrews 2:15 “and free those who through fear of death had been slaves their whole life long.” If we continue it states ”Surely he (Jesus) did not come to help angels, but rather the children of Abraham”. This, therefor, applies to Jewish people only and not to anyone else. It is also curious that the fear of death is created by the fear of God in the first place. If we did not fear God and the fear of hell if we don’t do his bidding, then there would be no fear of death in the first place. We would not like death, because most of us want to live forever, but wouldn’t fear it if our religious leaders did not tell us that we should.
· A real hope of being reunited with your dead loved ones,-John 5:28,29: ”no need for you to be surprised at this for an hour is coming in which all those in their tombs shall hear his voice and come forth. Those who have done right shall rise to live, the evildoers shall rise to be damned”. So you might not meet all your loved ones, some will be classified as evildoers. You will find out which one of your loved ones didn’t make it to heaven, a real nice assurance, makes you happy that you made it and they did not? Happy eternity with that knowledge!
· God is the creator of life: Psalm 36:9 “They (the children of men) they have their fill of the prime gifts of your house; from your delightful stream you give them to drink”. What has that to do with proof that “god is the creator of life” but wait ,here is Acts 17:24,25 “for the God who made the world and all that’s in it, the Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in sanctuaries made by human hands” We have Luke’s description of Paul’s word for it but written in context it is just an identifier of the person who does not dwell in churches made by humans. What? God does not go to church? This is the only “proof “ one can quote that God is the creator? I suggest that you read Luke’s whole description of Paul’s discourse.
· God is eager to do it again: 1 Corinthians15.26 “and the last enemy to be destroyed is death” The sentence before that says” Christ must reign until God has put all enemies under his feet”. So what is God eager to do again?
The last three points are supposed to be the “proof” answering the question they posed: “Can we really believe what the bible says?”. I am baffled by the reasoning. This is THE answer?
The last question urges us to think about is “Why do we grow old and die?” We suppose to find the answer in Genesis 3:17 “Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree of which I had forbidden you to eat” and Romans 5:12 “Therefor, just as through one man sin entered the world and with sin death, death thus coming to all men inasmuch as all sinned”. Nice! One man listened to his wife and all of his offspring are now punished with death by the great loving God.
This pamphlet is designed with questions that will attract attention of people who are searching for answers, who are not going to check the bible quotes, but might be curious enough to contact the organization after which they will be contacted repeatedly and preached to. Lonesome people, are especially vulnerable to indoctrination. Is it “moral” to try to recruit people by assuring people you have biblical proof of the assertions you make while the reasoning does not make any sense?
Now I have given you their side of the story. I trust, to be fair, they will now show my side to their church members. You think?
Firstly they quote from the “New World Translation” of the bible. No reason is given why this particular translation is used, after all there are many translations to which the bible was subjected, who decides there is a correct one? All translations depend on the opinion of the translator(s) and the meaning of words in any language changes all the time. Compare Shakespearian language with today’s. Does anyone have the precise meaning of words or the symbolic meaning of words and phrases in use thousands of years ago?
Going along though, they quote Acts 24:15 “There is going to be a resurrection” as “proof” that the dead really can live again. A great example of how to draw conclusions by taking a phrase out of context. The whole verse in “my” bible reads in Paul’s words; “and I have the same hope in God as these men have, that there is to be a resurrection of the good and the wicked alike” Since when does a “hope” constitute a proof? Now if we accept that as proof they go on stating” What can that mean for you":
· Comfort when loved ones die -2 Corinthians 1:3,4 “Praised be God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all consolation! He comforts us in all our afflictions and thus enables us to comfort those who are in trouble, with the same consolation we have received from him”. In other words you can console or be consoled only by a person who believes in an imaginary deity. A non-believer cannot console anyone!
· Freedom from a morbid fear of death.-Hebrews 2:15 “and free those who through fear of death had been slaves their whole life long.” If we continue it states ”Surely he (Jesus) did not come to help angels, but rather the children of Abraham”. This, therefor, applies to Jewish people only and not to anyone else. It is also curious that the fear of death is created by the fear of God in the first place. If we did not fear God and the fear of hell if we don’t do his bidding, then there would be no fear of death in the first place. We would not like death, because most of us want to live forever, but wouldn’t fear it if our religious leaders did not tell us that we should.
· A real hope of being reunited with your dead loved ones,-John 5:28,29: ”no need for you to be surprised at this for an hour is coming in which all those in their tombs shall hear his voice and come forth. Those who have done right shall rise to live, the evildoers shall rise to be damned”. So you might not meet all your loved ones, some will be classified as evildoers. You will find out which one of your loved ones didn’t make it to heaven, a real nice assurance, makes you happy that you made it and they did not? Happy eternity with that knowledge!
· God is the creator of life: Psalm 36:9 “They (the children of men) they have their fill of the prime gifts of your house; from your delightful stream you give them to drink”. What has that to do with proof that “god is the creator of life” but wait ,here is Acts 17:24,25 “for the God who made the world and all that’s in it, the Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in sanctuaries made by human hands” We have Luke’s description of Paul’s word for it but written in context it is just an identifier of the person who does not dwell in churches made by humans. What? God does not go to church? This is the only “proof “ one can quote that God is the creator? I suggest that you read Luke’s whole description of Paul’s discourse.
· God is eager to do it again: 1 Corinthians15.26 “and the last enemy to be destroyed is death” The sentence before that says” Christ must reign until God has put all enemies under his feet”. So what is God eager to do again?
The last three points are supposed to be the “proof” answering the question they posed: “Can we really believe what the bible says?”. I am baffled by the reasoning. This is THE answer?
The last question urges us to think about is “Why do we grow old and die?” We suppose to find the answer in Genesis 3:17 “Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree of which I had forbidden you to eat” and Romans 5:12 “Therefor, just as through one man sin entered the world and with sin death, death thus coming to all men inasmuch as all sinned”. Nice! One man listened to his wife and all of his offspring are now punished with death by the great loving God.
This pamphlet is designed with questions that will attract attention of people who are searching for answers, who are not going to check the bible quotes, but might be curious enough to contact the organization after which they will be contacted repeatedly and preached to. Lonesome people, are especially vulnerable to indoctrination. Is it “moral” to try to recruit people by assuring people you have biblical proof of the assertions you make while the reasoning does not make any sense?
Now I have given you their side of the story. I trust, to be fair, they will now show my side to their church members. You think?