Science, after we make progress and make new discoveries, will throw up other questions. These questions are very challenging but we will suggest answers and then look for observations to sort out which answers are the best fit for our observations.
Entanglement was one of these hypotheses, as the results of some laboratory test seemed to make no sense, and scientists devised other methods to probe farther and eventually found out that it was a real phenomenon. However, that posed the question of what causes it and why is it there. Quantum mechanics seem so different from common sense so we must keep exploring, pose the next questions and find ways to test the new hypotheses to go further forward in science.
This seemingly never-ending search brings up the question whether final answers are beyond our ability to understand. Perhaps we are not intelligent enough to be able the grasp the total reality of the universe.
The sentiment that we never will be able to “know it all” would be fatal to further progress in discovering what makes the universe go. Perhaps we are asking the wrong questions but it is also a possibility that we just still don’t know which questions to ask. Don’t give up; it only takes one human to dream up the right question, just like Einstein did, to put us back on the right track. It might take a long time, while encountering many dead ends, but there is no reason to believe that our intelligence will be forever unable to find the correct answers.
We will keep searching for more answers and dismiss the pessimists who think we are approaching the limits of our intelligence. We also must dismiss those that declare by any new discovery that it is the final proof of the existence of some higher power by presenting a totally twisted explanation. Deepak Chopra comes to mind here, showing a total misunderstanding of the meaning of the new discoveries. This has been done many times in the past and is still a well-loved conclusion by the “God did it” crowd.
Let us not be discouraged by thinking we are at the limits of understanding or that a magic Deity created the universe. These particular attitudes would prevent us from looking farther. Before coming to premature conclusions, let’s abide with this motto: We don’t know yet, but time will tell!