According to Travis, Emmanuel said: “Back then Maher would have faced stiff penalties for his slanderous crimes against God and country, and the reasons were clear: slander the ultimate authority of a nation — God — and you ridicule the very foundation of its laws, values, public institutions and leadership.”
Tristan Emmanuel would like to burn people at the stake again, or bring in the blasphemy laws such as exists in Muslim areas in Asia. Maher does not believe there is a god so he is legitimately making fun of people who believe in a fantasy. If Tristan believed in Santa Claus he would call any insult to Santa Claus blasphemy and burn people at the stake for that.Tristan also declared that "The ultimate authority of a nation is god", no it is the people of the nation and not "god" Who's god? His? There are many different religions in this country so who's God are we going to give the "Ultimate authority". (Bring in Sharia Law?) Of course he believes his god is the only real GOD. The fact that any religion thinks their "god' is the correct one, and all others are wrong, strongly suggests that they are ALL wrong. “But mark my word, a day of reckoning is coming,” he continued. “If we are unwilling to hold blasphemers accountable, the almighty judge of the world will.”
If Tristan would follow his own dogma, he would forgive and "love" Maher, after pointing out that, in his opinion, Maher is wrong to deny the existence of a god. Mr. Emmanuel is actually a dangerous man. Some of his followers might be incited to do something terrible, such as murder (the murder of Dr. George Tiller, Pro Choice Advocate, by anti-Abortionist Scott Roeder, in 2009, comes to mind)
"If we are unwilling to hold blasphemers accountable" indicates that Tristan is not willing to wait until "the almighty judge of the world will". Inciting others should be the crime here. I suggest strongly that he reads Matthew 7:1 if he so strongly believes in his bible. I am sure he can find bible quotes to defend his position because the bible is full of inconsistencies so one can find support for anything one wants somewhere in the holy book.
The problem is that there are millions of people who believe in the fundamentalist sections of the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Muslim, Judaism) and unelected "delusional and insane" religious leaders have many followers who are willing to act upon their teachings. We only ignore them at our peril.