Dictionary definition: Morals are values based on beliefs about the correct and acceptable way to behave. Moral values are concerned with whether behavior is right or acceptable.
There is no reason that we need a supernatural being to give us morality. Even the moral values in the bible or any other ancient manuscript, were created by humans. Yes, the bible and other religious books, were written by humans, even if the writers are believed to be inspired by their “god”. There is a document called: “The Statement of Principles of Humanism” . It doesn’t mean that I agree with its contents word for word but I like to hold it up as an example that we don’t need religion to formulate “morals” we can live with. These morals must also be able to adapt to take the changes in society into account.
Religious morals tend to be written in stone. You can find an example of non-religious morals, which would be adaptable when changed circumstances demand it, at: