“a fundamentally illogical error, which impugns your premise. Do explain how a backwoods sheep herder could identify the only visible gravitionally-linked constellations 3500 years before the advent of the telescope, or how said backwoods sheep herder could identify microscopic biological processes dangerous to be consumed 3500 years before the advent of the microscope. Evolutionary science dictates that such a concept, such a possibility is linearly, physically impossible.
In other words we don’t need science because god already explains all things in the bible. Indeed, ancient observers, looked at the sky and linked the constellations and gave them many animal names. These points of light however, although they look to be side by side, are not in the same plane and many are not gravitationally linked. These “heavenly” observations became the “science” of astrology and did not lead to an understanding of gravity. Hygienic laws were also developed by trial and error. Through observation and experience people learned, the hard way what was poison or unhealthy and found out which herbs had a positive effect and so on. Fermenting and preserving food were experimentally established. Pork spoils quicker than goat, marrying a virgin prevented the scourge of venereal disease.
This was actually the beginning of the scientific method, learning through trial and error. When the writers of the bible wrote these rules in the bible (other ancient books have such information as well, see the ancient Chinese Medicine Books) they wrote down actual knowledge already obtained by applied science and not because god whispered in their ears.
The last sentence in this rant is total nonsense: “linearly, physically impossible”? “Dictated by evolutionary science?”. We weren’t even discussing evolution so why throw that in.
The above post, by a believer, shows that they go to any length, by using pseudo scientific words to give their arguments a “scientific” patina to impress gullible people.