There are many more supernatural beliefs than just religion. Many non-religious people believe in Astrology, Aliens, UFOs, Numerology, Telepathy, Psychic Power, Ghosts and many more, relying on the unproven existence of a supernatural realm. They can do a lot of financial or mental damage to the individual. Individual beliefs, if they are unshakably strong, cannot be changed and can be classified as a mental disturbance called DD (Delusion Disorder, see my previous blogs), however most people are not totally deluded and can change their mind. Why bother to try to shake their beliefs? If I can convince only one person to seek legitimate medical help rather then rely on a quack selling “alternate”, often expensive, treatment, that could be fatal or if I can convince only one parent to seek help for their sick child and get medical attention rather than rely on prayer alone and save the child’s life, it’s all been worthwhile and I will feel justified in “attacking” faith in the “supernatural” beliefs in any form. I don’t want to sound narcissistic but I feel it is my mission and I hope that many of you, who feel the same way, will help me to spread the message by hitting the “Like” and “Share” buttons, when agreeing with my posts. Of course I am also interested in your comments and constructive criticisms since I have learned a lot from these in the past. Keep in touch!
The comments I often get when I explain why I am an unbeliever and a skeptic as far as the supernatural is concerned is: “Why do you write extensively explaining why, since there is no scientific evidence, the Supernatural is not proven to exist. Why not just let people believe what they want and be done with it”. Many also charge that I am attacking religion.
There are many more supernatural beliefs than just religion. Many non-religious people believe in Astrology, Aliens, UFOs, Numerology, Telepathy, Psychic Power, Ghosts and many more, relying on the unproven existence of a supernatural realm. They can do a lot of financial or mental damage to the individual. Individual beliefs, if they are unshakably strong, cannot be changed and can be classified as a mental disturbance called DD (Delusion Disorder, see my previous blogs), however most people are not totally deluded and can change their mind. Why bother to try to shake their beliefs? If I can convince only one person to seek legitimate medical help rather then rely on a quack selling “alternate”, often expensive, treatment, that could be fatal or if I can convince only one parent to seek help for their sick child and get medical attention rather than rely on prayer alone and save the child’s life, it’s all been worthwhile and I will feel justified in “attacking” faith in the “supernatural” beliefs in any form. I don’t want to sound narcissistic but I feel it is my mission and I hope that many of you, who feel the same way, will help me to spread the message by hitting the “Like” and “Share” buttons, when agreeing with my posts. Of course I am also interested in your comments and constructive criticisms since I have learned a lot from these in the past. Keep in touch!
Ben Vande