Let me clear up my motives in writing this blog and website. Let me explain what it is not. It is NOT my purpose to “fight” Christianity or any other religion There are many religious people who are sincere and do great work helping their fellow man. Religion obviously has had great value for many people in spite of just negative results for humanity as a whole. Atheism is often believed to be a religion and that create a great misunderstanding. Atheism is a declaration, that means one does not belief in a God. It should mean nothing else. I know many atheist who are as diverse in their worldview as their religious counterparts. There are Capitalists, Socialists, Communists, Libertarians, Free Thinkers and any other kind. There are Honest Brokers, Thieves, con-men as well as Volunteers in Ebola camps and people who sacrifice themselves to help others. In the end I would predict that the percentage of “good” and “bad” people is proportionally the same as in religious circles. The conclusion to draw is that a non-religious world would suffer the same fate as a totally religious one because of Human nature. We suffer from the old primitive drive to preserve our tribe, a very successful drive, which has assured the dominance of on group of humanlike races by wiping out the competition, the last group were probably the Neanderthals. The sooner we realize that we are the only race left and are not any more in competition to survive but that survival now depends on mutual cooperation, the sooner we will be able to live together in peace and prosperity. I will be accused of simplemindedness but I am a great believer in Occam’s Razor.
What then do I have in mind. Forget Atheism, it is just a narrow definition and not a religion that will solve our problems as some of us think. I call myself a non-believer. A true NON-BELIEVER has CONCLUDED (do not use the word “belief” here), by examining all the currently available evidence, that the SUPERNATURAL does NOT exists. Yes, it will affect not only religions but political theories as well. We can throw out most of the ancient “laws” and will have the duty to created “rules” which benefit ALL of humanity, no matter what color of skin, what kind of handicap, what level of intelligence or mental health we encounter. We can protect our people from the pseudo scientist who take advantage of gullible people, The Snake Oil doctors, the “mediums”, the Faith healers, The “leaders” who promote prayer over proven medical treatments and as a results curable children die unnecessary. Hopefully there will come a time that our children refuse to go and kill other fellow humans because of their nations’ (or corporations’) commercial interest.
There is plenty of evidence now, that is spite of the pseudo-scientists’ claims, that the supernatural is just wishful thinking by people who desperately want an afterlife to exist because they cannot handle the idea that this is their only change to enjoy the majestic universe. Make the most of this fantastic opportunity, and help to bring about a better world now, rather than promise a non-existing afterlife if you follow their rules (kill homosexuals, get virgins in heaven, “gimmee” money so you will get to heaven}. Helping one child survive, without the promise of a reward in the afterlife, is a far greater deed than praying to a non-existing entity to cure a sick child.
Lately, neuro-science research indicates that when the brain dies, awareness dies with it, making the possibility of an afterlife a moot point. I will expand on that soon and follow the research closely. We are now at the point were evolution was, before it was overwhelmingly accepted by the world's scientists of any religion. Yes, I know Ken Ham and his ilk will never admit that creationism is baloney, we after all still have a flat earth society and a Geocentric Group who believe the universe circles around our earth once a day. There’s money to be made folks!
Let me repeat. It is the belief in the supernatural which we have to fight. There are many books written and many great thinkers have talked about this subject convincingly, but I find that, outside academic circles, there is lack of communication with the average population while we are inundated by Mediums, Astrologers, Faith healers and Snake oil salesman, on the web and television. TV productions and movies also give the impression that the supernatural exists and exploit the public time after time.
How do we counterbalance that? I try, but don’t know how to reach enough people to counterbalance that. A ghost (or UFO} picture that show a light smudge on a photo shopped photo gets 1 million or more views. How do we spread our message? Are you sharing this, did you recommend that some one reads the whole thing and referred to www.origin-of-religion.com ? If you agree, you have friends and your friends have friends. I am dreaming “yes we can".