I think it is not enough just to be an atheist, agnostic, skeptic or any other kind of unbeliever, in a world where religious zealots try to implement their dogmas on all of us. We must actively fight the ignorance and superstitions to make this a better world. There are many closet unbelievers, fence sitters and people who have doubts about their religion, who should join our ranks. We must reach them! That is the reason I wrote my book “Why You Won’t Go to Hell”. It is intended to give you the ammunition you need when debating or use it as a gift (Xmas, Birthdays etc.) to people you know, who could benefit. You might be surprises how many closeted unbelievers and doubters there are and will welcome this kind of information. I wrote this, not to make money, but because I felt there was a need for a book, avoiding academic language as much as possible, that the average person would read. I also intend to use any profits to spend on promotion of the fight against not only religions’ attempts to force their beliefs and life styles on all of us, and to have religious organizations to pay taxes, like we all have to, but also to discredit all superstitious activities such as practiced by Astrologists and Psychics. The book also is a new perspective (Theory) based on the latest findings of Archaeology, Anthropology, Neuroscience and DNA research. I have many friends on facebook. This message you can also find on my Ben Andrews facebook page. If you have no need for this book you can still be of great help if you click on “like” but most important click on “share” as well. Please do that now right after reading this message. I hope you do not regard this as blatant self-promotion or spam. Please join the fight against ignorance.
I am moving my blogs to the Atheist Republic, one of the greatest Atheist Groups around. But I will always provide a link on this page for any blog I write. Hope you stay with me. In my latest blog I am refuting the claim made by Dr Robert Lanza, in his book Biocentrism "How Life and Consciousness Are the Key to the Understanding the Nature of the Universe", that he can prove there is life after death. Click on: http://www.atheistrepublic.com/blog/ben-andrews/life-after-death-proven
Ben Vande