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Let’s do some critical thinking about religion without demanding proof or scientific explanations about the existence or not of the typical understanding of an intelligent almighty super being who judges the actions of every human being and the decides whether that being deserves an eternal blissful life or eternal drastic punishment. This God created the universe and populated our planet with life. The majority of these life forms created, were often not very successful and went extinct. The remaining life forms compete with other life forms for survival and compete, kill and eat each other. (the food chain). Also created are many diseases, and imperfections in the offspring. He/she for thousands of years let people create all different kinds of gods without interfering and than decided to finally establish the “correct” religion a few thousand years ago because no one seems to get it right. So now you belong to a relative new religion (say Christian or Muslim) and you find that there are many different versions in your “correct” beliefs.
These are a few observations of reality. Now ask yourself the following questions:
MY latest blog about the misinterpretation of Quantum physics can be found on the Home page of the Atheist Republic at
Ben Vande