When it's like that, it's no longer a matter of discussing various religious theories. It can be as plain as knowing that my car runs on gas. My car does it every time I fill up, and the Bible was like that for me. Things happened, there was a very real devil and a very real God of the Bible. So --- my contribution would be limited to the Bible view of our world and what we are all about. Whether our world is changed by it is our choice, and mostly churches haven't followed it closely enough for us to feel that our spiritual, intellectual and emotional needs are met. So my friends and family are seeking other avenues.
Take care, I value our chats.
I also like to point out that this person, although very disappointed with organized religion, accepts that the bible is the only “correct” ancient book, disregarding the many other religious texts. If one was born and brought up in a different environment and religion the bible would not be relevant but another ancient scripture would be. The fact that one is born in an area and at a time where the bible is relevant is purely the luck of the draw. I one was born in Greece a few thousand years ago the dreams and hallucinations would have been about Zues and Hades, in today’s Asia these would be about Budha or Shakyamuni.
Logical thinking would immediately conclude that, since these “supernatural” episodes are reflecting only the religion one is brought up in and does not reflect the other religions in the past or present, they are not “real”. Until the “supernatural” in all its forms: religion, astrology, prophesies, faith healing etc. etc. are scientifically tested, one should not accept any “supernatural” explanations or let them dictate how one should live ones life.