The field was “founded on the claim that human intelligence can be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it. This raises philosophical arguments about the nature of the mind and the ethics of creating artificial beings endowed with human-like intelligence, issues which have been explored by myth, fiction and philosophy since antiquity. Some people also consider AI a danger to humanity if it progresses unabatedly“. (Wikipedia)
Ai research has developed algorithms using incomplete information dealing with probability and economics. Since difficult problems need an enormous amount of resources the way to find more efficient algorithms is an ongoing effort.
Our human brain, although very efficient, is limited by the amount of data it contains. AI capacity has no limits, we just build bigger and bigger memories. It can access enormous amount of data faster than our brains, but there is a difference. When a computer program defeated the human chess champion Garry Kasporov it did so because it had the capacity to search all combinations in further moves of play at light speed. A human brain is much slower because of the difference at which it operates due to the biological structures it employs compared with the material which is used in computers. It does not mean that the computer is more intelligent than humans, AI does not use intuition, it simply calculates all combinations of factors stored in their memories. It can also do calculations in a shorter time, which would have taken human brains years or centuries to do. There is no doubt that we are just at the beginning of the development of AI and it will be an astonishing experience. Progress in computer science, philosophy, psychology, mathematics, neuroscience and linguistics will all play a part.
When contemplating the future of AI most people confuse intelligence with awareness, the hall mark of humans. It is a function of our biological brain which is entirely materially different from our modern computers and therefor cannot be compared. We do not understand yet how consciousness and awareness is formed in the brain, so we cannot duplicate the process in our current computers. Until we construct a biological artificial brain with a comparable size to contain all the data we now store in conventional computers we don’t have to worry about being replaced by machines.