This is the time that astrological predictions are in full swing. The new moon coincides with the new year which happens only once in 19 years, so the believers in astrology are having a field day.
It was interesting to find an astrology chart on Facebook showing a "big red square in the center of a horoscope which shows the 90 degree and 180 degree alignment of numerous planets to bring in the New Year....a year that will make 2013 look like a warm-up for the Main Event". What Main Event? "It is a good blew (sic) print of energies dancing bout our respective sense of being". What does that mean? Just doesn't make any sense.
I agree with the following statement:"each of us is a once only and ever in all creation" although I would replace the word "creation" by "universe". (Yep, each of us has won the "lottery" against staggering odds, to have become aware of the universe, even if it is only once and for a relative short time. Do enjoy the present and the future and forget about the past which cannot be changed). The next statement however,is another totally incomprehensible one. This New Moon on Jan.1 is "a unique and totally accurate assembly of all cosmic energies converging at the moment of conception from our parental linage well as saddle with all the earth memoryes (sic) radiating all the cosmic vibrations with every inch of the earth having its own signature writ in the stones of earth's crusting into matter" Huh?Plain gobbledygook, made up of invented phrases such as "cosmic energy","parental linage", "cosmic vibrations","earth memories" which make it look like a very impressive statement but with absolutely no real meaning.
Sure the sun's electric/magnetic radiation influences our life on earth in general as well as the revolution, caused by gravity, around the sun, defines the year. The moon because of gravity creates the tides. This we have discovered as well as measured and we use the application of these discoveries in our daily life. Radiation of the sun can be beneficial or harmful. Gravity can be used to slide down a hill or misused by jumping of a high building. You can even predict the future if you do the latter: you will die soon.
The following statement does not make sense either:" Have you ever perceived water as a carrier of the cosmic consciousness?" No I haven't and nobody else, including yourself, have "perceived" that either. You might have created this as a "reality" in your mind, including belief in a "cosmic consciousness", but that does not make it a fact. With such statements you can dream up any ideas that can win an argument as long as you don't have to proof the reality of any of it.
The sad part is that many people still value such nonsense statements and adjust their lifestyles accordingly, often with harmless results but sometimes disastrously. Many "ends of the earth" or other disaster predictions have influenced people and none of them happened. Certainly, if astronomers (not astrologers) detected a comet or asteroid and their measurements and calculations predicted an impact on our earth, that observation would be acceptable but a prediction by an astrologer making statements about the future because of "conjunction" or "convergings" would not, especially personal ones, at the "moment of conception". This kind of "predictions" are fantasy and have absolutely no value.
Astrology and religion, with their beliefs in the supernatural will stay very popular because all of us want to know what an uncertain future will bring, so the lure of predictability and the tendency to avoid facing reality is very attractive. Many so-called psychics and astrologers take advantage of the gullible to make a good living out of it. I am convinced that education slowly will eradicate all beliefs in the supernatural, be it in astrology or religion, but I "predict" it will take many generations.