One wrote: There are 2 kinds of God's will - Direct and permissive. It is His permissive will that ALLOWS us to chose to enter into sin because He gives us free will which is REAL love, however it is NOT His will that we sin. There is a distinct difference. .
Let me put this in more understandable terms. A father is direct and permissive, he allows his children their free will to do bad things and that is REAL love. He doesn't want them to be bad but doesn't stop them because he really loves them. If they do bad things, however the loving father will punish his children severely (for ever). Now of course, if the child confesses and says he/she is sorry, they are forgiven no matter what the bad thing is (even murder) and the child that didn't do anything really bad, but is inherently judged to be bad because a distant forefather did something wrong and does not want to accept that as being guilty and does not ask for forgiveness is automatically and severely punished.
That is the definition of REAL love?