The clergy’s answer, that we cannot question God’s will , we should not blame him since he has a purpose that is beyond our comprehension, is not a satisfying one for many people. Illnesses and genetic defects are part of creation and are often thought of and explained as God’s punishment for the original sin of Adam and Eve eating fruit of the tree of knowledge, and therefor all of mankind must suffer. That begs the question why is it so unequally distributed among people, whether they are exemplary citizens or not.
Is there an answer? Yes there is and it is a very clear and logical one, dumb chance! Evolution is a random process, driven by random events, some more successful than others but never perfect. Random chemical and electrical processes, initially produced a complex molecule which reproduced itself. It took along time and zillions of combinations but it happened at least once, we are here, in a universe that is so large that it is beyond our comprehension. Many complicated life forms evolved by random processes and mutations. More than 99.9999% of them failed to continue development. The successful ones are not perfect and continue to evolve in a never ending process. Mutations and faulty genes appear randomly and if not deadly will appear regularly and can be passed on to next generations.
“Why me” is thus answered very clearly, bad luck! Your life style and worldview have nothing to do with the process. It’s a giant lottery.
We constantly obtain more understanding of these processes. Medical science is finding out how we can correct these random mistakes. Please don’t come up with the argument that these scientists are inspired by God because that begs the question of “why now” after hundred-thousands of years have gone by since the first humans evolved.
The question “Why me?” is clearly and logically answered by the science of evolution which is no longer “just a theory” but has accumulated enough evidence to make it an established fact. The answer is: “Random Chance” or in other words “Bad Luck”.