If you read these quoted passage, they are not at all clear (I have given you some samples in previous blogs on my website www.origin-of-religion) but with some twisting and turning they can be interpreted somewhat to be “correct” in a way. Here is a sample of the twisting of the original text and the explanation of what it really supposedly means:
Regarding the seas, God says: “he has let loose the two seas converging together with a barrier between them which they do not break through” (Qur’an, 55:19-20) The scientific fact that seas of different properties do not intermix has only very recently been discovered by oceanographers. A physical force called surface tension prevents the waters of neighbouring seas from mixing, due to the difference in the density of these waters. It is as if a thin wall were between.(science in Islam pamphlet)
A bit of a stretch don’t you think?
What is never mentioned are other speculations that are way of the mark such as a flat earth with a dome which rest on the mountains surrounding the earth, with water outside the dome and many other total misunderstandings that indicate that, although some of these guesses were not too far off, the majority of them are. If God or Allah had written those predictions then they were not very aware of what the universe, that they had created, was about.