Scientist at Sydney University’s Auditory Neuroscience Lab have reported evidence that infrasound can affect some peoples nervous system. Other studies have indicated that although infrasound is inaudible to the human ear, it can create feelings of fear and awe. During the launches of the V2 rockets in Germany during WWII often a feeling of fear and uneasiness was reported by the personnel involved. It was subsequently discovered that the launchings emitted infrasound. Since infrasound is not consciously heard it sometimes conveys a feeling that something supernatural is occurring. Infrasound can be created by sonic booms, wind turbines, diesel engines, explosions, and can even be caused by traffic rumbles heard in basements or underground tunnels. Natural events such as earthquakes, avalanches, waterfalls, lighting, meteors and many other phenomena can also produce infrasound.
Infrasound also has the ability to travel long distances with little dissipation. Elephants, whales and other animals are known to communicate over long distances using infrasound. Whales can communicate over hundreds of miles.
So when you read about places where people see ghosts and feel afraid and uneasy the probability that it is not caused by the supernatural but has a natural explanation.