The task we have is, through science and logic, to convince the public that the supernatural, in all its forms, doesn’t exist.
We have now sufficient scientific observations that we can reasonably argue that it is the case:
1-Awareness and Memory are brain functions. When the brain dies, awareness dies.
2-Religion is man made. Common thread between religions is evidence that the origin of the spirit (soul) is not supernatural.
3-No acceptable scientific data exists indicating that a supernatural transfer to a spiritual world is possible.
(Go to the other chapters and blogs for references and explanations)
If we could convince every one (wishful thinking perhaps) that the supernatural does not exist, we have not only eliminated God but also Heaven and Hell as well as all the other beliefs mentioned above. When everyone realizes that his/her life, in spite of enormous odds, is the only opportunity they will get in this short window to enjoy the magnificent splendor of this universe it would revolutionize our society. Would we still have suicide bombers or soldiers to go to war? I know I am dreaming, perhaps in hundreds of years we will come to that point, but we must make a start. Now is the time to do that.