Well let us challenge these so-called proofs. God is supposed to be almighty and perfect, right? Well let us look around. We find fossils of all sorts that do show us that over 99% of all life-forms were unsuccessful and are now extinct while the existing ones, plants or animals, who must devour other species to stay alive, are suffering many diseases. Humans are also born with many defects, inherited problems and mental trouble as well. We suffer diseases while life spans vary, some very short, others longer. Diseases like Alzheimer’s effect many of our elderly, robbing them from awareness slowly, how cruel, to prevent them from enjoying life to the fullest. This is either proof of a god, if any exists, who designed life forms with so many flaws that it was not a perfect creation, or who didn’t know what he was doing.
Now Let’s look at the so-called fine-tuning of the nature’s laws. When we look out into space we see a universe that is mostly hostile to life and only a few pockets can sustain life for a relative short time. When a star come to the end of its life, which they all do, it wipes out all life in it’s vicinity. Life on Earth can be wiped out by an errant meteor or comet any time. We experience disasters such as volcanic eruptions, typhoons, tsunamis to name a few that are killers of life. The universe itself is a very violent place that is constantly changing at random.
When observing the chaotic Universe and life on earth, it is obvious that it that intelligent design is not the origin, but that nature’s laws are creating a randomness that is obvious for us to see. Life on Earth is a lucky circumstance in an infinite small corner of the enormous, mostly hostile, universe that could be wiped out any second, if we don’t destroy it ourselves.