There are thousands, maybe millions of anecdotal testimonies having nothing to do with reality since they are stories told by individuals or groups without physical proof. We know that experience of that kind can be easily introduced by not only externally taken drugs such as cannabinoids, nicotine, heroin, cocaine, alcohol etc, but also by the brain producing neurotransmitters such as Glutamate, GABA, norepinephrine, dopamine , acetylcholine and many others because of actions and thoughts created in the body or brain (Patricia Sharp). Recorded voices distorted by mediums or ventriloquists and hypnotic trances can also create a virtual reality. Perception under normal circumstances are not always 100% correct and depend on the brain’s interpretation. Eye witnesses are not always reliable.( Patterson, Kemp and Forgas). Children telling stories in courts have been proven to suffer from false memory syndrome and landed many innocent people in jail which were later exonerated. Parent do not have contact 7/24 with even the younger children so they can pick up information no one is aware of until “discovered” by experts. (Elizabeth Loftus, S Ramirez, Daniel Schacter).
Relying on anecdotal testimony about NDE, ESP and Reincarnation is just that: anecdotal. Having one or a million does not prove any of them real. We have thousands of “gods” as well and none of them are real. (see previous blogs). It is also typical that most of the testimonies about reincarnation are found in the cultures that believe in it. Showing again that it is a cultural phenomenon rather than reality.
No “before” life and no “after” life (see previous blogs on altzheimers, awareness and brain functions). After we die our awareness goes back to the place it was before we were born!
Let me end with a quote by Hippocrates:
Men ought to know that from nothing else but the brain come joys, delights, laughter and sports, and sorrows, griefs, despondency, and lamentations. ... And by the same organ we become mad and delirious, and fears and terrors assail us, some by night, and some by day, and dreams and untimely wanderings, and cares that are not suitable, and ignorance of present circumstances, desuetude, and unskillfulness. All these things we endure from the brain, when it is not healthy...