Fred Burnham, a physicist, obviously a member of the “God did it” crowd, which often uses this “conclusion" when science is still looking for answers, stated “the God hypothesis is now a more persuasive and respectable hypothesis than at anytime in the last 100 years.” This has often been an automatic reaction, when new scientific discoveries were made, only to be dropped later, when more discoveries invalidated hasty conclusions.
The latest theory, however, is that the Big Bang, although the beginning of our currently observable universe, is not the beginning of the universe but a phase change and that the cause might be a form of black matter and black energy existing before the Big Bang and not a mythical magician.
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So back to the drawing board, theists.
The argument about “fine tuning” has been discussed endlessly. Our universe is 99.99999………% hostile to life and always in motion. Over 90% of all life-forms on earth have gone extinct in the past. The present life forms are exposed to disasters, calamities, illnesses and mis-formed offspring and we could be wiped out by a large meteorite at any time. So much for fine-tuning.
As far as the complexity of the DNA is concerned, it is argued that enormous odds make it impossible for it to be formed by chance. That is a deliberate misunderstanding of odds. A lottery with 10,000,000 odds to one does not need 10,000,000 draws to be won. We know a winner could be drawn anytime. One could win tomorrow. No matter how big the odds in our immense universe, where every millisecond trillions and trillions of atoms build molecules, the enormous possibilities are still following the same law as the lotteries where the winner could be lucky tomorrow. We don’t know if we are the only lucky winner in the universe but we know that, in spite of the enormous odds, we won, because we are here.