! - All non-handicapped people are born with the 5 senses in an operational condition. There are people who are born blind, deaf or otherwise handicapped but they are a small minority. It is the other way around with the 6th sense. Only a few people have ESP and can use this as a means to become Mediums. Why is that?
2 - Do handicapped people get the full five senses in the afterlife?
3 – Is your age in the afterlife fixed at the age you die? Do babies grow up to become adults? Do very old frail people become younger?
4 - Do clothes dematerialize so you can use them in the afterlife or are the materialized dead persons naked?
5 - It seems that materializations always happen in a darkened room. Is there no sun in the afterlife?
6 – Can materializations happen outdoors and if so could a casual passerby, who is not part of the séance see them?
7 - If an ancient person such as Abraham materializes, how is he clothed and what language does he speak?
8 – Can a caveman be materialized and how would he/she react to the modern humans trying to talk to him/her?
9 – Can one get up and touch the ectoplasm, if it appears, which is a manifestation of spiritual energy?
10 – How can we distinguish between real materialization and hallucination, hypnotic trance, or collective obsessional behavior as a sociopsychological phenomenon?