Does that ring a bell? Sounds like a common description of God, doesn’t it.
Well there is a song which, remarkably says the same thing
You better watch out, you better not cry
You better not pout, I’m telling you why.
“What’s His Name” is coming to town
He’s making a list………………….I am sure you know the rest
Yep, that’s why parents, avoiding their responsibility, tell their children that a higher power, “What’s His Name”, is real and therefor they better be obedient because he hears and sees everything and you cannot hide from him. Depending on your actions he will reward or punish you. When they grow up they finally realize it is a myth. What baffles me is that, when growing up, the “What’s His Name” myth is recognized to be a fairy tale, but the similar “Deity” myth, is not. Many substitute their parents with a Preacher, Imam, Rabbi or priest, and substitute God, for “What’s His Name” to be told what to do, rather than take responsibility for their own actions, God can always forgive you for bad deeds.