Several researchers have suggested that Autism could be the result of hereditary factors so some parents of autistic children found more comfort in the original paper and viewed the retraction as a cover up by the Pharmaceutical Industry. The result was that after the publication inoculation rates fell from 92 % to a dangerously low of 80%, threatening the “herd” immunity and exposing many children to dangerous and sometime deadly diseases such as Mumps, Rubella and Measles.
Thiomersal, used in some vaccines, but not in MMR, inactive Polio and Pneumococcal conjugate, contains Mercury. in itself a poison but the mercury compounds used in Thiomersal are not. As an example, Chlorine is a poison but the compound Sodium Chlorate is common table salt.
Exposing your own children to these serious diseases, and thereby endangering other children is not a choice, since the mistaken notion that there is a connection between Vaccination and Autism has been scientifically proven to be incorrect.
The continuing belief in such a false notion is that some parents when their child ‘s autism was discovered shortly after vaccination, not knowing that many such diagnoses were made before vaccination took place, believed a common fallacy POST HOC ERGO PROCTER HOC, “it happened after this , therefor it was caused by this”
Source: Skeptical Inquirer, March/April 2017 article called The Dangerous Delusion About Vaccines and Autism by J. Randi.