We now KNOW, through the latest neural research, that awareness is a brain function. The electrical/chemical functions in the brain are the processes that cause awareness. We also KNOW that dreams, visions, NDEs and hallucinations are brain functions which can be induced by illness, chemicals produced by the body or introduced into the body by various means such as eating, drinking, injections, breathing and so on.
We also KNOW that when the brain dies, awareness dies. We can observe that very vividly, especially if you have a close relative, with Alzheimer’s disease. My mother suffered from this dreadful disease. Slowly, but surely, her awareness died slowly when her brain function deteriorated.
There is only one conclusion to be drawn here. We have only one chance of being aware of the universe, make the most of it. This is what we KNOW for sure. Our awareness, after we die goes back to the place it was before we were born.
All other speculations (and wishful thinking) are based on fiction and fantasy dreamed up by humans, without ANY proof. I don’t care how you want to twist it. It is immaterial whether there are any Deities or Intelligent Entities around. If they are, we would never experience it since when our brain stops working, so does our awareness. This is not speculation, we OBSERVE it.
Many speculations and hypothesis have been developed and discussed endlessly. Many philosophers have debated religion for centuries but none of them have offered any REAL FACTS to back up their explanations. I challenge any one to refute this LOGIC using KNOWN FACTS only. Please do not challenge the findings of neurological research with denial, as is done in the evolution/creation debate. If you want to challenge the research, come up with other authenticated, peer reviewed research to prove your point. Do not use speculation and wishful thinking.
See my "rant" on Utube
Using facts instead of fantasy. http://t.co/sjEQ382ebd