Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
The heavens mean the whole complete universe consisting of billions of galaxies with billions of stars and planets. Our minds cannot even begin to grasp the wonders and limitless power of God, which the universe displays.
In this very first verse of the Bible, Genesis 1:1, God singles out the earth as the most important planet in the entire universe. This is because God has a tremendous purpose to use the earth as the centre of the universe. It is on earth that God will establish His Eternal Kingdom of the New Heaven and the New Earth, after He has first refined and cleansed the earth during the Lake of Fire Judgement Age. So, how did God create the universe and the earth in the beginning? The Bible says that simply commanded and they were created.
So this one line contained all that information? BS The person that wrote that line didn’t even know the universe existed. A flat earth with a dome over it is what the current knowledge was at that time. This is what the current ‘interpreter’ WANTS it to mean. Please read the whole article and you will see how these interpretations all make conclusions that are not even remotely close.
Psalm 188:2-5 (Read it, please) is explained as
The creation of the entire universe, including the earth MUST be understood as an instantaneous creation at the command of God.
Huh? Yeah right!
And so does it go on Quote after Quote with page long ‘interpretations’ of what you should read into it. Totally fabricated illogical conclusions which somehow must proves a their point of view. See
This is from a book called “God’s Plan For All”, Chapter 24. The Biblical Truth of the Pre-Adamic Age”. I really want you to read this chapter because it so clearly proves how the believers twist and turn pre-selected Bible verses, out of context and mis-interpreted, to shore up their beliefs. If you are a believer forget it, cognitive dissonance will prevail, but for you who have some doubts, or sit on the fence, read it with an open mind and you will be saved from a miserable life of fear because going to hell if you don’t believe.